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Daily Talk

Fighting Sleep


I must say it has been such an adventure and it is not easy keeping up with baby, work, house, blog… sometimes I wonder where does time go>>>>> Well I think most of my day goes to giving Amy the…

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Daily Talk

Amy is 10 months

Good day, Happy Friday…. Thank to those who posted on our last post about ideas and activities they have done with their little ones. Amy is 10 months, things are moving along with Amy, she is crawling, talking, standing, eating all healthy food, she even…

Daily Talk

TV Shows

Happy Wednesday!!!! After a long weekend and long month of May we are entering summer month. You know as Amy been growing and is more aware of things, I am also learning on ways to keep her busy. This past weekend we took a class…

Daily Talk

Sneaking from baby????

This weekend one of the main conversations that came up with a few of my friends was leaving baby to go to work, the store, or even just to run errands. As Amy gets older she started noticing when I leave or when I am…

Daily Talk

Car rides and baby!!!

I never knew that in order for me to leave the house with baby I had to plan according. Before I would pick and go, now I have to make sure that if I leave the house Amy is either fed or will feed and…

Daily Talk

Sleeping Baby????

It is about 4:30AM as I write her next post, as Amy goes back to sleep I began to wonder about my next blog post and whats one thing alll mothers have in common, SLEEPLESS NIGHTS……When you are first time mother everyones piece…

Daily Talk

UppaBaby Experience

When I was pregnant with Amy, I didn’t think about the type of stroller… until I went to Buy Buy Baby and realize all type of strollers available. Lucky for us we had gotten a recommendation from our good friends who already went through…