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Daily Talk

Sippy Cup time


Happy Monday and Happy July!!!!! As Amy enters, her last month before she turns ONE, I am working on different transition one being less bottle and more sippy cup. This girl is not the easy to transition when it comes to materials, she did great…

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Daily Talk

Amy is 10 months

Good day, Happy Friday…. Thank to those who posted on our last post about ideas and activities they have done with their little ones. Amy is 10 months, things are moving along with Amy, she is crawling, talking, standing, eating all healthy food, she even…

Daily Talk

Sneaking from baby????

This weekend one of the main conversations that came up with a few of my friends was leaving baby to go to work, the store, or even just to run errands. As Amy gets older she started noticing when I leave or when I am…

Daily Talk

Never to soon to Potty Train!!!!

Good Evening, last week of March, I know what some of you might be saying while reading the header of this post… “what is she doing?, Amy is barely 7 months.. she is trying to have her grow up to quick” …. Where did I get…

Daily Talk


Good Morning my lovely mothers with growing babies…..Today Blog is more on a continuing of teaching our babies. I like to get your ideas of Education!!!! Since we had found out we were expecting my husband and I had discussed the possibility of putting…

Daily Talk

Car rides and baby!!!

I never knew that in order for me to leave the house with baby I had to plan according. Before I would pick and go, now I have to make sure that if I leave the house Amy is either fed or will feed and…

Daily Talk

Amy Decor her First Christmas Tree

Everyday I learn something new about Amy, and lately lights catches her attention so it was time to put our tree up. Daddy and Mommy Helped Amy put up the tree and decorate her tree. We decided to be traditional and put up Red, White…

Daily Talk

Amy’s First Thanksgiving

As Thanksgiving approaches along with the rest of the Holidays I can only think of how bless we are to have a healthy active baby. Even though it has only been 3 months plus days, she has filled us with so much happiness, she is…

Daily Talk

Baby Skin

As the cold here in Maryland approaches I like to keep Amy’s skin as fresh as possible. A few days ago I notice that her skin was much dryer even though I keep up with lotion on her skin, so what did I do…