Daily Talk

Showing tradition to baby

This is a topic that is fairly different in every home, but lately I have been running into this topic with a lot of my friends who are new mothers. As we grew up our parents showed us their tradition and we would keep up…

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Daily Talk

Amy is 7 Months

As we enter our 7 months stage, baby girl ended her 6month with a roll. Amy is eating three meals and snack of fruits in between plus her milky. Since she was sick more of her 6 month, activities seem to not improve until her…

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Daily Talk

To Crawl or To walk

HAPPY FRIDAY 3/3/2017…As Amy is approaching another month she has shown no signs that she wants to crawl she does however, want to walk. She is a pro in her walker that pretty soon we will have to raise to the next…

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Daily Talk


Good Morning my lovely mothers with growing babies…..Today Blog is more on a continuing of teaching our babies. I like to get your ideas of Education!!!! Since we had found out we were expecting my husband and I had discussed the possibility of putting…

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Daily Talk

Taking Baby to a Game…WHY Not????

After all the holidays… it was time to get back to our normal routine….This past Sunday was game Day and for my husband and I we like to always take advantage of any 27th month day because we celebrate every anniversary, wedding, dating on…

Daily Talk

Amy’s First Thanksgiving

As Thanksgiving approaches along with the rest of the Holidays I can only think of how bless we are to have a healthy active baby. Even though it has only been 3 months plus days, she has filled us with so much happiness, she is…

Daily Talk

Baby Skin

As the cold here in Maryland approaches I like to keep Amy’s skin as fresh as possible. A few days ago I notice that her skin was much dryer even though I keep up with lotion on her skin, so what did I do…

Daily Talk

What bottles have you use or use????

Like many mothers I too started breastfeeding, but my little Amy was a snacker she was always hungry after I just fed her, so I had to mix it up and give her formula. Before she was born I had gotten a cute set of…

Daily Talk

UppaBaby Experience

When I was pregnant with Amy, I didn’t think about the type of stroller… until I went to Buy Buy Baby and realize all type of strollers available. Lucky for us we had gotten a recommendation from our good friends who already went through…

Daily Talk

Baby Bjorn-

If you are like me you thought maybe I do not need a baby carrier….WRONG, if you have a big baby and you want to be able to have free hands then you need to get one. Let me tell you about how I…

Daily Talk

Amy is 3 Months

Good Morning…… Amy is 3 months today!!! Where does time go I still feel as it was yesterday that I went to my doctors office and was sent straight to Hospital. My life has change in many ways these last 3 months for a more…

Daily Talk

Amy Is Teething

TEETHING….. couldn’t believe it until reality hit this week. My husband did mention that Amy is an advance baby but now I do believe it.  She was advance in my belly and now out here in this world. Amy almost 3 months tomorrow and…

Daily Talk

Hello world!

After having my first child 3 months ago… I have put my career on Slo-w-Mooo… So I am trying something new… Blogging…. I figure my child is too adorable to not talk about her. As many first time mother probably do I figure…