Daily Talk

Amy is 16 months


This mama has not been able to keep up with blogging, so much has happen since our last post, I do not even know where to pick back up, however, I will  say that it has not been easy keeping up with Amy either. Amy is growing so fast and every day it is a new challenge she is super active, she teaches me and I learn so much from this little  person who calls me “MOM”.

Since our last post, Amy has spark out 4 new set of teeth and tooth, with a few more coming in. She has gone to the dentist twice. Thanks to our dear friend who recommended DCPediatricSmiles, Amy experience with the Dentist has been great. I was not sure how soon it was to take Amy but with swollen gum I think it was my cue to take her. Moms with young children even if your kids teeth are great and they brush it is never to soon to take them. The Dentist made a great point, he said “the sooner you take them even if nothing happens, they at least can see the dentist and begin to get use to them as oppose to taking them when they are 4-5 and the child is scare”. My experience with this dentist was amazing Amy loves the office, the staff, and they make the entire experience fun and comfortable.


Amy is almost running still lose balance while trying to run away from mommy. She is a great climber, she climbs on her daddy and does not give up until she reaches what she wants. Amy LOVE music and when I mean love she even lovesss to sing. Right now her favorite movie is Frozen, I think she has seen the music video more then I can count on my fingers. Did I mention that our Christmas tree is Frozen colors, well thats how much she loves it.

I read that nap time changes once they reach 16 months… and well Amy went from napping twice a day to sometimes only Once a day. I think it is important that your child naps but be careful with the afternoon naps. I try to let Amy nap by 4:30-5:00 as her afternoon nap if not her night schedule changes.

At 16 months Amy found interest in coloring, she matches things, helps mommy carry stuff, helps mommy cook (she pretends to cook with her toys), she even learn to feed her self much better with silverwares. Amy is growing very independent, she likes to try to do things her self but gets frustrated if she can not complete a task.

As we close out 2017 and say hello to 2018, I am sadden that Amy is growing so quickly, she will be 2 in about 8 months. I can say the time I have with Amy I cherish because not many mothers get lucky to be able to stay home and work and be with their children. The next milestone I hope Amy to accomplish soon is talking, she says a few words here and there, but no clear sentence. Reading and talking I believe is helping her and she seem to understand when we are out and someone talks to Amy sometimes she nods her head. Lets see how Amy growth starts in January 2018. Stay Tune… Have a Great holiday and see you all next year.


