Daily Talk

Fighting Sleep


I must say it has been such an adventure and it is not easy keeping up with baby, work, house, blog… sometimes I wonder where does time go>>>>> Well I think most of my day goes to giving Amy the attention she requires.

I probably have touch this subject once before but now that Amy is one I think no subject is boring concerning a baby. Ever since Amy was a little baby she has always been sleep fighter never slept though the night and def doesn’t do it fully yet. I think I tried it all from putting cereal in her milk, to warming up her milk, to bathing her with soothing soap to lotion you name it!! Just now she finally wakes up once maybe twice during the night. What’s the trick there isn’t any every baby is different what Amy does great at in other areas she lack in sleep lol. I think it could be the fact that I didn’t nap during my pregnancy I over worked and I stay up late could barely sleep.

Every month she find a new sleepin position just as she turn One she learn to sleep on her belly  butt up, at first I was scare because I thought what if she can’t breathe so I would fight her and turn her and she roll back to tummy position. The funny thing is that when she was smaller she hated tummy time now she loves to sleep on it.

When we went to her doctor for her One year the doctor said I had to not feed at night and let her be but I think she gets thirsty and I’m not giving her more then 4oz of milk, I know it thirst cause sometimes she won’t finish it. I have cut down a lot on bottle and snacking more in between meals so she doesn’t want the bottle. But sleep is an issue for this little one. I just also read that as she turns into 15 months, they go from napping twice a day to Once a day… like wow this just happen yesterday and I said “well maybe this way she will sleep through the night since she only nap once” Not a chance she still woke up to be rock back to sleep, she still woke to get a bottle. But what I do know is that she is even more fussy because she has her molar kicking in. I am trying different type of remedies to numb her gums. Stay tune as I discuss in the next blog how I am dealing with the molar and how Amy loves to brush her teeth.
