Daily Talk

Shoes shopping


Whats new with baby Amy… she says “mama” and “papa” and well as she is growing she is in needs of other things to help her such as shoes for walking. Amy has shown signs of crawling but not something that she is interested in. She has shown interest in walking so I think it was time to get a bit serious and get her some shoes which would help her put her feet flat on the grown and not trying to learn to walk on her toes.

Amy has top her walker to the highest level it can be moved to, I am hoping that she can start taking baby steps soon because her walker she will be out grown in no time. Plus it is a great way to practice walking for her bday….

I had not gotten her any shoes because she could not fit into any so I figure let her grow a bit. I found these shoes at Macy’s, I was a bit sad that the kids shoes store closed in Montgomery Mall. She was not to excited to wear shoes but she will be comfortable in no time. If anything my husband and I think we should get matching shoes.

I like to hear where mothers get their dress shoes for baby, online, please give this mama some tips post your online stores cause it seems like I will have to shop online for baby Amy since she needs shoes that are wide for her cute chubby feet.

