Daily Talk

Sneaking from baby????


This weekend one of the main conversations that came up with a few of my friends was leaving baby to go to work, the store, or even just to run errands. As Amy gets older she started noticing when I leave or when I am about to leave, Amy seem to notice my movements, my routines and now knows when I will make the slip away from her.

I spoke with a few mothers and it seems that it is a stage that babies go through some seem to care more then others. Ever since Amy was about 4 months I would tell her “I’ll be back baby!” so she knows I was leaving and when I came back I usually tell her “I’m Back”. I think it is important to have some key words when you do certain things with them so that way it sticks to them that this is normal and it helps them to not cry and miss you too much. Lately I been trying to stay out a bit longer so that she understands that I will be back and I am only gone for a short period of time.

Just like any type of training, I encourage to pick out key words when training baby for anything, whether it is potty training, leaving baby with baby sitter, going out, or eating time. If you start them early they pick up on it quickly and as they get older it will be easier to leave them with a caregiver. Babies are super smart and they also get real attach to mothers, which is also bad if they are too attach because at some point you will have to leave them to work longer or even just take a break. Don’t forget mothers need some self time. I always tell mothers you have to give yourself some time for you, i know it hard I learned it now but I am working on balancing which is very important.

I would like other mothers to share what they do when they leave their baby with a sitter, have you guys had a hard time parting?? Or are you like some mother that have to sneak away from your child to leave to work?? Please comment below and tell us!!
