Daily Talk

Never to soon to Potty Train!!!!


Good Evening, last week of March, I know what some of you might be saying while reading the header of this post… “what is she doing?, Amy is barely 7 months.. she is trying to have her grow up to quick” …. Where did I get this idea well… I spend a lot of time researching, reading, learning from other mothers… and I am not the only one that thinks this is a great idea to start teaching your child about early bathroom. I know every child is different some learn faster then others, some start the bathroom soon as they can walk and some mother just wait for when the child is ready. I also read that a lot of the girls seem to take longer to learn then boys. Well again every child is different but it all depends on the parents. I actually have a friend who supports this idea she had her baby boy potty train by age 1. Yes age one… NOW I do not have a goal I just want to start showing her. So I brought Minnie Potty I have not started but I have shown her the potty I sat her down and I plan to start the month of April.

My plan… well I figure we start by sitting her on it and when if she does do any business I will cheer her on so she knows that it was a great thing she did. I will try it at least 1-2 times a week, slowly get her to learn the potty. I will keep you all posted on progress…. Eventually the idea is that she isn’t wearing a diaper for more then 2 years. I know it can be hard training a toddler while also working full time.

I would like to hear from other mothers who already went through the potty training stage, what tips you might have for us new mothers who will eventually get there. 
