Daily Talk

Showing tradition to baby


This is a topic that is fairly different in every home, but lately I have been running into this topic with a lot of my friends who are new mothers. As we grew up our parents showed us their tradition and we would keep up with those such as different holidays, birthdays, religions etc. As I started my little family my husband and I began our own tradition we mange to merge our views into one and we started teaching Amy some of our traditions i.e prayers, holidays with the family, following her sacraments. As I prepare Amy baptism I also learn a few things that I would like to do as she grows up and hope to do it with her future sibling. It is very important to teach them about religion at a young age so that they respect and follow through. Amy such a faster learner she knows about prayers and that we have to give thanks every morning and during our meal time.

During this time  of the year is my favorite we started Lent and we enter our 46 days into easter, she will learn as she is older what the meaning of it is. Which I think it is the perfect time for her baptism because it will be remember and it is a special time.  Amy has already met with the priest who married my husband and I and he will be baptizing her which is even more special, again just thinking of ways to make it special for her. I want her to be able to ask me questions about when she got baptize and I want to be able to remember and share it with her, I know it is not an easy task but I don’t just want to do things with her without it having a meaning. A lot of our parents lose the special moments but we can’t blame them with working several jobs and having more then 2 children it can be hard, but it is something I am determine to do. Which will lead me to the next topic in the next weeks coming up….. Education: Public or Private school.


Please share some traditions you have started with your baby or you are continuing to do. 

