Daily Talk

Co Sleeping with baby


Happy Thursday!!!!! Today I would like to get other mothers input on Co-sleeping…. I know everywhere you read they say don’t let baby sleep in your bed, once you start baby will want to sleep more and more in your bed and soon you will have a toddler sleeping with you. Well Amy been sick for the past 3 weeks on and off, even though she sleeps in our room IN HER CRIB… there were times when she was sick that I had to put her to bed with me. I was scare that she would be to comfy and won’t want to sleep in her bed, but to my surprise she loves her crib and still want to sleep in her crib.

A few times she would fall sleep on my bed and I would transfer her over and she stayed sleep. I have heard stories from friends that they say that once you bring them to bed they won’t go back, however, I think the trick is if they fall sleep in your bed transfer them over immediately so when they wake up they are in their crib. You have to play their game and trick them a bit. I think what really push me to not let her sleep long is my back because of the position she is sleeping I have to adjust and it hurts my back… so I wait till she is really sleeping and I transfer her because if not I will wake up with back pain.

I did not have to deal with the basinet and transfer to crib as her crib is mini and is in our room so she always slept in her crib, except the times she was sick but even when she was sick it was not every day that she would fall sleep in our bed or want to be moved to our bed. I think it more of a comforting for her to know that we are there. Her new thing is sleeping in our bed next to daddy leg. It seem like she wants to make sure he is there and she falls sleep so quickly.

How many mothers co sleep with baby??

Making sure daddy is here
Love my daddy



  1. Stephanie

    I dont think you have anything to worry about. Yes, the more a baby sleeps in your bed the more theyll get used to it, but the idea that its impossible to teach your baby to sleep in their own crib/bed again is ridiculous. It might Take a while and a few sleepless nights but you can do it. The only real issue is the safety of sleeping in the bed, but if you take the right precautions and make sure she cant roll off then its fine. Many, many parents cosleep with their babies and have no major issues transitioning them to sleeping on their own. I personally never do it because i cant sleep while my son is in my bed. Since shes only sleeping in your bed everyonce in a while i really dont think you have anything to worry about. 🙂

    23 . 02 . 2017
    • Akalooks

      Thanks for your comment. You are right as long as you watch for safety everything should be fine. Hope to see you and Zach soon.

      24 . 02 . 2017
  2. Sara

    Co Sleeping with Baby is not too bad… eventually there will come a time that your baby wont want to sleep with you… so enjoy it while they are little. HAHAHA

    23 . 02 . 2017
  3. Mayra

    Awww she’s getting big so fast! We had our little one in her crib and in her room by day 3 from the hospital. For us it worked but I can’t say it works for everyone. I wouldn’t have done it without a monitor and her bedroom is next to ours. Those factors helped. I can understand if she is sick and want to keep an eye on her.

    23 . 02 . 2017

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