Daily Talk

Socializing is Important


As Amy is begining to be more active, her activities beginning to increase and I am socializing her more with other babies. She seem to love to be around other babies, these past weeks, she met new babies that are her age. I think it is important to have your child hang out with other children as it prepares them for when you take them to daycare and school. I want Amy to learn to share and play with other children. She even got to hang out with her cousin who is a year or so older then her but she seem to enjoy him because she watches his actions and watches how he runs and plays. I think being a bit restricted from other child makes them shy and closes them from playing. I guess you can say it is an experiment that I am trying. Learning begins at home and what parents teaches their children they will use in daily lives. I seen a lot of kids who do not know how to share with others or like to fight with others kids that end up hurting them. I want people to say wow Amy is such a well behave child and plays wells with others. Once again I reach out to other mothers if you are free and want to hang out let me know I do plan to have a gathering with babies in summer with other mothers. Parents should take the time and introduce their children to play well with others. This summer I know Amy will have a full schedule as her friends bdays are coming up, she will be attending lots of babies 1st bday, “including her own bday party which we are in process of planning.

