Daily Talk

Dealing with Sick baby for First time

Baby happy to show off her two teeth

There seems to be a virus for babies/kids and grown up going around. This past week Amy got sick for the first time, it was then that I felt so helpless for her I pray that she heal and I become sick for her. Seeing my baby girl sick and not being able to know what was wrong is sad. The first night was just runny nose but later that night I notice fever. I gave her Tylenol for babies and it help with fever. As the days progress the stuffy nose got worst at night time. I spoke with a few moms that went through the sick baby and they all had great recommendations. Friday night my husband and I spent it at the store getting everything that we can use to help baby Amy. One of the main product that all mother had in common was NoseFrida…. Now I seen this product at the stores many time and once my husband and I even laugh and said no way…. NoseFrida for those that don’t know help suck up the baby boogers…After I spoke with Diana & Juliana who both recommended this product I told my husband we have to give in and if others are saying this is great we have to use it help Amy. These ladies recommended that it be use with the Saline, now it comes with one if you get the kit or you can buy one. Another remedy that was highly recommended was Zarbee’s Cough syrup + muscus this product also help a lot it like a honey flavor grape. We didn’t have a humidifier so we got one that was a warm mist and also help her breath at night. After we tried all product guess what Amy sleep great that first night still woke up but wasn’t as bad. I think last night was when she was back to sleeping in her crib again. She still has a runny nose but she is active and playful she even got a appetite on her. I like to thanks all mothers who I spoke with and recommended the Nosefrida along with the other remedies. Now I’m sick and possible daddy will be too… but at least we can control our self and we can stop our self from getting worst. I do recommend we always wash our hands and whatever baby touches clean it… Amy can be feeling better but she been sneezing so those germs are around her toys and clothing, I wash every single item she has been around to kill off germs. Also parents try to wipe things you touch. Every time you walk away from baby to do something even if it in the kitchen wash your hands before picking up baby again. Also don’t bring other babies around each other if you know they are sick… dealing with a sick baby is hard and sad because you wish that they get better fast and you feel that sleepless nights are back. Please comment below about other remedies you guys use. I mention just a few main remedies that I used and would do again… Mothers tell us how you cure your babies. Happy Wednesday!!

