Daily Talk

Sleeping Baby????


It is about 4:30AM as I write her next post, as Amy goes back to sleep I began to wonder about my next blog post and whats one thing alll mothers have in common, SLEEPLESS NIGHTS……When you are first time mother everyones piece of advise is always sleep….. SLEEP as much as you can because those sleep days are over for a while. BOYYYYY they were not kidding! During my pregnancy I did not get enough sleep, I worked a lot and when I came home I had so much to do as far as cleaning, preparing for baby etc. On the weekend I did not sleep much either I enjoyed my weekend and once in a while I did want to stay in and sleep. Now I do not know if that took an effect on Amy, because her sleep routine not at all where most of her friends are.

Now, the first month of course she had to adjust to this world, and learn day and night. Once again advice from others SLEEP when she sleeps. I listen the first month, because I was tired. As the next month approach I had to adjust to getting a routine as my plan was to go back to work, so as I adjusted so did Amy but her nights weren’t as you can say favorable to me. Amy would sleep great during the day but when night came its like she had her day and night mix. So I began to try everything, I mean from putting her in certain position, transitioning from the bed to the crib, feeding a bit more right before bed, nothing baby Amy would only sleep for 2 hours and wake up hungry a lot. Did I mention that she was a snacker with breastfeeding, so I change that I only bottle fed her and if she was still hungry I would breastfeed, even that did not keep her sleeping a bit longer. Since Amy crib is in out bedroom she slept in her crib from day one, however it wasn’t as comfy as mommy and daddy bed, so I had to adjust as well. At the hospital she did not like the bassinet where she slept so I put her on the boppy and she sleep on that and LOVED it. I tried it at home and many nights she would sleep on that and guess what I got at least 3 hours sleep instead of every 2 hours. Well Amy got bored of that so I had to change it up. I notice she would fall sleep on my arms after feeding and when I laid her down she wake. So instead of laying her down on her crib, I laid her down on my bed on top of her blanket and then I would wait a few to make sure she was sleep and I would pick her blanket and her up together and laid her on her crib and BAM!!!! still sleeping….. Then I notice that she can sleep peaceful on my bed but not on crib, so I tried to layer her bed, those baby mattress are hard and she sleep to want fluffy. Now I know if you are a mother and reading this you might say OMG that bad she needs to sleep witout anything in crib, that dangerous etc. I am a light sleeper and any small noise that comes out of Amy I am awake plus her crib is a step away, and if I am really tire and afraid I won’t wake quick I put the Owlet on her foot so it can wake us up if anything (I will talk about it on a different post). Yes it could be dangerous when your baby knows how to grab stuff, but she has nothing in her crib only LAYING on 3 set of thick baby blankets. Guess what she barely moved she slept on her back and was doing much better. Of course that didn’t last much so I said ok what could be causing her to wake still. At this point in her 2 month I was no longer working so sleepless night was ok, but I had to do something to help Amy sleep in her crib, she loved my bed so much (needless to say I was the same way my parents said). So I notice one night the night light next to my stand had to be turn off but I still had another one across room so I can see while making her bottles at night. That night Amy sleep 4 hours without that night light in both of our faces.

So at her 3 month we don’t have that night light, we almost sleep in dark. I do have a very small one across room where her bottle stuff are, and she sleeping but we still have the waking 2-3 hours again. I swear right as we get it right she goes back to that 2-3 hours sleep. I was told to let her sleep when she wants the first month and even 2 month, but after reading on other mothers I started to keep her up a bit more during day, plus every day she gets more active. One thing I did start with her is at 9pm we start heading to the room to prep for bed time, she herself has kept that routine and around 9pm she starts to get fussy that she wants to be in the room.

Even though they tell you don’t worry about getting her on bed routine it will come natural, I began a routine because it has help me a bit more. During day we play a lot and she does nap but she doesn’t nap as much she is a cat napper. In the afternoon, she is not allow to sleep after 6pm so I try everything in my power to keep her busy and active, that by 9 she is ready for bed. Now this has started working perfectly, she not quiet a 4 hour sleeper yet but she is getting there.

This last doc visit I told her my routine but the one thing she told me that I need to stop is feeding her to much at night, well Amy HATES the pacifier and she seem that she wants to eat when she wakes it is very little at night she wakes to eat no more then 2 oz 1-2 times at night. I tried the pacifier and she spit it out. Now that she has tried food I am hoping that it can fill her up a bit that she won’t be as hungry for those 2 oz.

Mothers what are you routine with baby?? What seem to help with your little ones?? Tell us about your experience or what you can advise other new mothers. I am still learning ways to keep Amy sleep at night. So far this new routine is working. Here are some pictures from her camera, while I laid in bed I watch her sleep since it is dark (our camera can see her in dark) and screen shot pictures of our little baby. 

MOM no more pic please
Sleeping Beauty


1 Comment

  1. Stephanie

    Hello amy,

    Every baby is different so the “magic trick” to getting your baby to sleep during the night is almost impossible. However, i will tell you my routine i use with zack that may help. 1.) during the day i let him nap whenever whes tored. He usually takes a nap every 2-3 hours. I have a routine for napTimes as well so he knows what im trying to do. Usually aLl it takes is holding jim In a comfortable position and feeding him a few oz. if hes not hungry but very tired i use a binky and hold it in place so he cant spit it out. It takes a few seconds but usually he caves and begins sucking on the binky and falls right alseep. I put him in bis crib So he doesnt get Used to being held while he sleeps. This makes a tremendous dIfference to his sleeping at night. When he doesnt get naps during the day he can have a Really rough night. Once hes too tired he becomes cranky and has a hard time sleeping.
    2.) bedtime routine. I dont think it matters exactly what routine you choose, -/ long as its consistant. I give him a bath everynight (only using baby soap every 3rd night.) i thEn use lavender lotion to help calm him down. I put him in full clothes with socks and mittens and a sleeper sack over it. I found this to help keep him warm without having to use blankets. When he Wakes up earlier than usual, his hands are usually cold, so i think when the baby is too cold he/she becomes uncomfortable and wakes Up.
    3.) for the crib i use a somewhat fluffy blanket as the sheet. Its pulled Tightly so there are no folds he can accidentally get his face stuck on. I did this when he was 2 months old and he was sleeping better instantly from not sleeping on a cold sheet. When i tried the swaddle blankets he would wake up from pulling them off of him and then getting colder.
    Again, every baby is different but i hope this can help.

    13 . 12 . 2016

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