Daily Talk

Amy is 4 Months


Today Amy is officially 4 months….. my baby is growing sooo fast this month that past we learn many new things and accomplish many new memories Every day I fall more in love with her, she is growing to become a very independent baby and I know it is only 4 months but she now wearing 6-9 and some 12 month clothing. I have already packed away her 3-6 month clothes because she out grew them. Her diaper size also has been upgraded to size 4. Lucky we did not gone crazy buying lots of clothes, we were bless to have friends and family to give us big clothing and most of it she has used these past months. I try to not go crazy with buying her clothes that she will use only once or twice. I know there are many first time mothers who want to buy everything but honestly I suggest to hold off buy as you go, there are some babies that grow faster then others, I thought my baby will take a while to fit into 6-9 months clothes (even 12 months clothing) but boy was I wrong. I even had gotten new born clothes thinking my baby would be small…. but this little one prove me wrong she was bigger then I expected.

This past month Amy has discover to grab more with her hands, she even discover her feet. She Does NOT like tummy time but she likes to sit, she can’t on her own yet, but she rather sit, it has helped her hold her head much better. She even likes to stand, I see her skipping crawling and moving onto walk but we will see. I have given small taste of fruits, even small taste of mash potatoes. I know I did not get the approve of doctor this month but you know what doctor has always said she was an advance baby. It is not every day that I give her a taste of food, of course I have slowly introduce it. I did try to put rice cereal in her milk but Amy smart she won’t finish her bottle when I put it inside, so I stop doing that. Amy sleeping the whole night…… hahaha nope she wakes up at least 2-3 times at night. I try to keep her busy during day but if she is sleepy she will past out in my arms. I can not complain the night is not to bad when she wakes, it probably really quick no more then 15 mins awake, she eats and get diaper change and stays sleep all while this is happening. I know it can be worst and actually the first month was bad but as everyone says it gets better.


Amy went to her Doctor appt today and she is growing 17 pounds baby, super healthy and I told the doctor that I had given her taste of food and she approve. She wants me to give her more cereal during day so that she can ask for bottle less. Lets see how that goes. Baby girl loves her 2 oz milky during the night every 2-3 hours. But doctor says it will help if I fed her more during day so she said up her cereal and if I want to give her small taste of fruits that fine.

Stay tune to this months blogs as Amy is growing I am getting more ideas and planning activities with Amy. I can not wait to take more photos of her for Christmas and New Years.


Sweet Girl (she may not show it sometimes)
Happy Baby!!!
