Daily Talk

Baby Bjorn-

Testing out our new baby carrier
Testing out our new baby carrier

If you are like me you thought maybe I do not need a baby carrier….WRONG, if you have a big baby and you want to be able to have free hands then you need to get one. Let me tell you about how I decided on a baby carrier, so Amy and I are at Buy Buy Baby (we love this store) and I am staring at soooo many baby carrier and wonder which one is the best I really don’t want to try all of them. So I turn to my sister Jenny and comment “I really don’t have a clue”, then the lady next to me being pregnant said “this one Baby Bjorn is the Best, I had it for my first child and I past it on to my sister in law and now I need one again”. She was so good at explaining why and how convincing she was she said that this is great with a new born baby. She and the sales guy who was around also said that it great head support and you can always hide that head support later. The sale guy and the lady also mention that it has a great back support. So I brought it and am I excited to go home to try it out with Amy… I am thinking if Amy does not approve then it not a great buy. Guess what she LOVED it and it so comfy…guess what??? I have two hands free again. Now I can not wait to try it while we are out eating. Did I mention that the lady also told me that if you have a tall spouse this is a great carrier for them too (not that it not for any other short men, but it important that it fit my husband as he is 6 feet tall). I have yet to try it out with my husband and soon as i try it I will add a photo. So ladies if you are looking for a baby carrier and want free hands try this one out. I know there are so many other ones but remember the comfort of your baby is important, this one is a bit pricey but it is worth it. Please leave your comments below or if you recommend any other ones for other mothers please comment and let us know.




  1. Hazel Sanch

    She is so cute!

    17 . 11 . 2016
    • Akalooks

      Thank you!!! Please keep reading the rest of the blogs many more coming.

      17 . 11 . 2016
  2. Nat

    Totally Agree! The Baby bjorn Carrier is great, safe and easy to wear. It gives the hubby and I much more mobility while keeping our twins calm and happy. I honestly think its one of the best! Definitely recommend it to all and/or new mothers

    18 . 11 . 2016
    • Akalooks

      Thank you Nat for your recommendation, this helps other mothers and fathers and deciding which carrier to purchase.

      18 . 11 . 2016

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