Daily Talk

Amy Is Teething


TEETHING….. couldn’t believe it until reality hit this week. My husband did mention that Amy is an advance baby but now I do believe it.  She was advance in my belly and now out here in this world. Amy almost 3 months tomorrow and now we are entering a new chapter into her life. Last few days the teething has been bad, so I am trying all method to help her out. Let me say she is a Champ she still her active self,…. but when she remembers her teething she just wants to be left alone. So I am starting with cleaning her teeth with baby toothbrush, I also purchase what we call a hand mitten since she been loving her hand so much. Daddy helped her with it last night but she was not to excited about it being on her hand. The other method I tried was the pacifier but baby girl HATES it she gags… At least I won’t have to deal with taking it away from her. The last method was a numbing medicine she wasn’t to amuse by the taste but she slept pretty well…. Did I not mention baby girl is still working on sleeping through the night well thats a different topic we will get to on another post. If any mothers out there want to comment on what helps their babies with teething please let me know. I’ll keep you guys posted on her teething progress. 11-4-16




  1. Jose

    awesome! looks like Amy is a real champ!

    04 . 11 . 2016
  2. Stephanie

    It’s so sweet that Amy’s teething! My son, Zachary, started teething recently too. What I’ve been doing is putting a clean wet washcloth in a unused ziplock bag and placing it in the freezer for about 30min to get it all nice and cold. Then I take the washcloth and help him chew on little pieces of the fabric. The combination of the cold and ridges from the cloth seem to help him a lot. The coldness doesn’t last long though and he ends up getting mad haha.
    Good luck Amy!! <3

    04 . 11 . 2016
  3. Mayra

    Every baby is different. With my little one I would put her pacifier in the freezer. But she already loved her pacifier. I would say try putting silicone teething toys in the freezer and that could help. I didn’t do the numbing cream cuz the pacifier worked great. But for your baby the numbing cream might be the thing to do. It’s still not easy. Even after 1 year they continue to teethe. Mine is working on her molars right now. Good luck.

    04 . 11 . 2016

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